Qualiopi Mutual Support Group meeting June 11, 2024

Qualiopi Mutual Support Group

11/06/2024 19:01:32, 73 min

Here’s the tongue-in-cheek recap of the meeting,
entirely written by our faithful transcription monitor, Tactiq:

Subject: The Great Teacher Whinge Fest and Audit Survival Guide

Hey Team,
Hope you’re all doing well and not drowning in paperwork!
We had a lively meeting this evening, and boy, was it a rollercoaster. Here’s a quick (and hopefully amusing) recap:
1. Marjorie’s Rant: Marjorie kicked things off with a heartfelt whinge about unmotivated students. She’s been trying to get them past the B1 level, but it’s like herding cats. One student even bailed 10 minutes before a planned 2-hour session. Classic!
2. Audit Adventures: Clare shared her audit experience, which was supposed to be an all-day affair but ended at lunchtime. She strategically placed her best files on top, and the auditor took the bait. Well played, Clare!
3. Kathleen’s Guilt Trips: Kathleen revealed her secret weapon for getting students to take their tests: guilt trips. She’s a pro at making them feel super guilty, and it works like a charm.
4. Greg’s Double Trouble: Greg is juggling his teaching, the BEST tests, and an upcoming audit. He’s considering dropping the whole certification thing because, let’s face it, paperwork is a nightmare.
5. Seema’s Chill Vibes: Seema has an audit on Friday but is surprisingly zen about it. She hasn’t touched her paperwork in weeks. We’re all rooting for you, Seema!
6. Ian’s Tech Magic: Ian introduced a new chat feature on the website for us to keep in touch. It’s like WhatsApp but for our quality support group. Fancy!
7. CPF Chaos: We discussed the potential impact of the €100 CPF fee. So far, it seems like it’s not being enforced, but who knows with these things?
8. The Great Test Debate: We debated the best strategies to get students to take their validation tests. Kathleen’s guilt trips, Margherita’s threats of losing certification, and Marjorie’s idea of holding back a lesson were all on the table.
9. Future Meetings: We decided to have our next meeting on July 16th at 7 PM. Kathleen might pop in with her Irish friends, so it could turn into a virtual pub night!
Special shoutout to Marie, who has her audit this week. Good luck, Marie!
That’s all for now. Keep calm and carry on teaching!

Tactiq also wrote us this more faithful summary...

Participants: Marjorie, Clare, Kathleen, Ian, Margherita, Greg, Seema

Key Discussion Points

1. General Updates and Issues:
– Marjorie expressed frustration about students’ lack of motivation and attendance, particularly in advancing beyond the B1 level in language proficiency.
– Discussion on the challenges of getting students to complete their training and tests, especially when state funding (CPF) is involved.

2. Audit Experiences:
– Clare shared her recent audit experience, which was shorter than expected. The auditor focused on specific students and course documentation.
– Clare emphasized the importance of being organized and transparent, having updated CVs of trainers, and maintaining a detailed Excel table of trainers’ expertise.
– Discussion on the necessity of having a website to streamline the audit process.


3. Handling CPF and Training Tests:
– Marjorie and others discussed the difficulty of ensuring students complete their tests, with some suggesting scheduling the test before the final lesson.
– The group shared strategies for dealing with students who procrastinate or fail to complete their tests, including using guilt and emphasizing the importance of the test for certification.

4. Future of CPF and Training:
– Concerns about the potential impact of the 100€ fee on CPF-funded training courses.
– Discussion on the possibility of employers contributing to training costs and the complications that might arise from this.


5. Membership and Certification:
– Confirmation that the membership fee for the Language Network is 75€.
– Members discussed the process of paying the fee and obtaining receipts for audits.

6. Upcoming Audits and Preparations:
– Seema has an audit scheduled for Friday and plans to review her paperwork.
– Greg’s audit is scheduled for October, and he plans to prepare over the summer.


7. Technical and Administrative Tips:
– Greg received advice on using dual screens during audits to manage document sharing more effectively.
– Ian introduced a new plugin on the website for group chats and discussions, encouraging members to test it.

8. Next Meeting:
– The next meeting is scheduled for
   Tuesday, July 16th at 7 pm.



Independent English trainer, translator, webmaster

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