The Language Network ‘Watchdogs’ Meeting 14th June 2024, 7:00pm
Subject: The Great Chicken Rescue and Other Adventures
Hey Team,
Hope you’re all doing well and have successfully rescued your chickens from burning!
Here’s a quick, tongue-in-cheek recap of our latest meeting, thanks to our AI assistant Tactiq:
1. Hello Overload: We kicked things off with a record-breaking number of “hellos.” If we had a dollar for each one, we’d be able to fund our own private island by now.
2. AI Magic: Ian dazzled us with tales of AI software that writes summaries, corrects spelling, and even predicts what we’re thinking. It’s like having a mind-reading robot assistant. Just don’t let it start correcting your grocery lists!
3. Food Talk: We discovered that Margherita is always eating during our meetings. She claims it’s a different meal each time, but we suspect she’s just a very slow eater. Also, cooking lessons in English were suggested. Who’s up for a virtual cook-off?
4. Height Surprises: Meeting people in person can be surprising. Apparently, some of us are taller or shorter than we appear on Zoom. Who knew?
5. Fossilized Mistakes: We discussed the eternal struggle of correcting recurring mistakes. Ian suggested setting mental alarms. Just don’t set off any real ones!
6. Seema’s Audit Adventure: Seema survived a grilling audit session that lasted all day. She had to prove she’s not just a great teacher but also a master of paperwork. Kudos to her for keeping her cool and impressing the auditor with her organizational skills.
7. Tech Talk: Ian is diving into Airtable and automation tools. It’s like Excel on steroids. We’re all eagerly waiting for him to automate our lives next.
8. Useful Tools: We shared some cool tools like Twee and NOLEJ for creating teaching materials. They’re like having a magic wand for lesson planning. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!
9. Upcoming Plans: We’ll have another meeting in July. Some of us will be joining from exotic locations like Florida. Don’t forget to bring your sunscreen and Wi-Fi.
10. Burning Chicken: Special shoutout to Marjorie for reminding us that even the most riveting meeting must end when there’s a chicken to save from burning. Priorities, people!
Thanks for all the laughs and insights. Looking forward to our next adventure together. Until then, keep your chickens safe and your AI assistants in check!
To watch for yourself, just click on the button below for the video recording of the meeting:
(please note, limited viewing opportunity: the video will be taken down to make space on the server for the next meeting).
For the code to watch the video, please sign up to the website chat, if you haven’t already.
Then check out the Watchdogs activity there…
Our next meeting is due to take place in week 28.
Click here to take part in the poll to decide the day and the time:
For info, this is one week before the next Qualiopi Mutual Support Group meeting, which will be held on 16th July.
Thanks Ian,
It was an excellent meeting.