Here’s wishing you all a very happy year ahead, with new challenges, and the energy and enthusiasm to meet them all.
This is the month for us independent trainers to set our sights on goals for the coming year, to weed out the elements that sap our energy, and to find new ways of achieving our goals to bring progress and happiness.
This year is promising for the Language Network: we’ve been promising ourselves that we need to get together for our two annual forum meetings; to get the ball rolling with new online offerings and activities; and to build a structure and a membership that is worthy of the association we wish to see thriving.
2025 is the year that this has to happen, so let’s make sure that it happens in the best way possible for all independent trainers.
Please earmark in your diairies and calendars the pre-AGM for the Language Network on Thursday 6th February 2025 at 6:30pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend this online meeting, and the idea is to prepare for the Annual General Meeting, by sharing important information about the structure and organisation of the Language Network, and gathering your ideas about its future and how you wish to contribute to its success.
Keep your eyes on this space for details of how to participate in the meeting. Don’t worry if you can’t be there right from the start, as the meeting will probably continue until around 8pm, though likewise, don’t feel that you have to stay to the end!
As usual, we’ll be publishing a meeting summary and a video recording.
Our first online meeting of the year will be the ‘Qualiopi Mutual Support Group’ meeting, which will be held online on Thursday 16th January 2025 at 6:30pm.
Marjorie will be sending out the link to the meeting and you can contact her at: mclifton@parcoursanglais.fr
If you still need to catch up on the last meeting, you can see the recording here:
Looking forward to seeing you all again soon with the Language Network!